Flexy and Ignition Solution

The solution leverages Ewon’s Talk2M platform to create a secure link between the Ignition server and the target machine allowing machines to be located anywhere world-wide. The system supports both read and write access and sample rates as fast as 1 sample per second.

The solution can be enabled by simply connecting the Flexy gateway to a PLC, configuring a few parameters via the Flexy GUI and installing and configuring the Ignition module. No software development is required.

Seamless integration into Ignition variables

Data Ingress to Ignition:

  • Auto tag generation in Ignition from data mailbox
  • Pre-defined tag data type
  • Sample rate options
  • Tag quality flags
  • Error handling

Same requirements as Ingress with the following additions

Control and Data Egress from Ignition:

  • Read/write enabled
  • Readback verification
  • Tag quality flag

    Off-the-Shelf Solution for Connecting Machines

    Every manufacturer and asset owner can benefit from gathering more information from their devices and this solution allows manufactures to pull data from their inhouse machines as well as systems they ship to their end customers.


    Remote and Mobile


    Machines, Factories, and


    Overlay Networks and


    Ignition Ewon Module Configuration

    To enabled fast adoption and evaluation HMS Networks has created an Ignition demo which exercises the full functionality of the connector

    Streaming PLC data to Ignition is easy with Flexy

    Purchase a Flexy from an HMS distributor

    1. Configure Flexy to pull data from a target PLC
    2. Setup your free Talk2m account
    3. Request a developer ID from the Ewon website


    On your Ignition instance or the free evaluation instance

    1. Install the Ewon Connector Module
    2. Configure the module with your Flexy/Talk2M credentials

    Done! All Flexy Tags are now read/writeable from Ignition

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