HMS Whistleblowing Service

HMS Networks strives to maintain a transparent business climate and high business ethics. Our whistleblower service provides an opportunity to report suspicions of misconduct; anything that is not in line with our ethical guidelines described in our Code of Conduct and Supplier Code of Conduct.  

HMS employees, contractors, suppliers, customers and other stakeholders must speak up and report any suspected or observed violations of the law or HMS policies. Our whistleblower service is an alternative way of reporting serious misconduct, to alert about serious risks affecting individuals, our company/organization, the society or the environment.  Whistleblowing can be done by any person openly or anonymously. All issues reported to the whistleblower service will be investigated.

Data protection for whistleblowers

The whistleblowing service is provided by an external partner WhistleB Whistleblowing Centre, to ensure anonymity. The whistleblowing service is completely separated from HMS Network’s IT systems. It is not possible to track an anonymous whistleblower. WhistleB does not store information that could track the sender such as for example IP addresses. The message received from a whistleblower is processed in confidence. All messages are encrypted, in storage and in communication.

How to report

To use the Whistleblowing service for anonymous reporting, follow these instructions:

Go onto  Whistleblowing Service (run by WhistleB, a third party)

Follow the instructions on the report form for easy and secure submission of your report.