Secure industrial Ethernet and IIoT connectivity

Webinar overview

The benefits offered by Industry 4.0 and IIoT comes with a downside, industrial devices can become vulnerable to cyber threats. Factory floor automation devices need to be prepared for cybersecurity.

In this presentation we will discuss the security level of OT, possible threats and cyber security building blocks. Finally, we will present a solution for cyber secure embedded Industrial Ethernet and IIoT without using stacks.

Watch if you want to know about:

  • Secure industrial Ethernet and IIoT connectivity
  • Security building blocks
  • Reduction in development effort by up to 70% against traditional protocol implementation
  • Short time to market and fast return on investment

Your Speakers

Kurt van Buul

OEM Project Manager

BIO: Experienced Engineer With over 25 years' experience in designing and selling embedded solutions to the industrial automation market.


Siobhan Chapman

Senior Technical Services Engineer

BIO: As Senior Technical Services Engineer, Siobhan is currently responsible for presenting the HMS Networks Ewon and Anybus training courses in the UK as well as consulting on customer projects and technical support cases.