
What is Ethernet Powerlink?

Powerlink is an industrial Ethernet solution that uses software to manage all communication tasks in modern automation. It is designed for various applications in machine and plant engineering as well as in the process industry.

Powerlink uses the same communication methods as CANopen, a widely used system, making it easy to find compatible devices and applications.

Ethernet Powerlink products

Proven Powerlink products enabling you to...

  • easily implement an Powerlink interface into your devices
  • connect your PC to Powerlink for visualization, analysis and configuration 

Ethernet Powerlink products

Anybus ProfiHub B5+
Anybus ProfiHub B5+

Efficient network segmentation with integrated diagnostics down to the last device

Advanced Configuration Tool Standard
Advanced Configuration Tool Standard

Configuration software for Ixxat FRC-EP170, FRC-EP190 and CANnector

Netbiter EC360W
Netbiter EC360W

Remote communication gateway exchanging data over Cellular 4G or Ethernet to the Netbiter Argos IIoT platform

Daikin HVAC to KNX Application
Daikin HVAC to KNX Application

Daikin to KNX - Up to 4 Indoor Units

Anybus Wireless Bolt II
Anybus Wireless Bolt II

Enable wireless industrial communication via Wi-Fi 5

Universal IR Air Conditioner to Modbus RTU Interface
Universal IR Air Conditioner to Modbus RTU Interface

Universal IR to Modbus RTU - 1 indoor unit

Daikin HVAC to BACnet/IP & MS/TP Application
Daikin HVAC to BACnet/IP & MS/TP Application

Daikin to BACnet/IP & MS/TP - Up to 16 Indoor Units

Ewon Cosy+ 4G EU
Ewon Cosy+ 4G EU

Industrial VPN gateway for secure remote access to machines

Ixxat Safe T100/CS
Ixxat Safe T100/CS

Safe communication through Common Industrial Protocol (CIP) Safety

Daikin VRV and Sky systems to BACnet MS/TP Interface
Daikin VRV and Sky systems to BACnet MS/TP Interface

Daikin to BACnet MS/TP - 1 indoor unit

Anybus Communicator – EtherCAT MainDevice to Modbus TCP server
Anybus Communicator – EtherCAT MainDevice to Modbus TCP server

A protocol converter that connects EtherCAT devices to Modbus TCP control systems

Ixxat USB-to-CAN V2 compact
Ixxat USB-to-CAN V2 compact

PC interface adapter (1 x CAN), galv. isolated

Ewon Edge Ethernet
Ewon Edge Ethernet

Industrial gateway for powerful data monitoring and advanced management

M-BUS to Modbus TCP & RTU Server Gateway
M-BUS to Modbus TCP & RTU Server Gateway

M-BUS to Modbus TCP & RTU - 60 devices

Daikin VRV and Sky systems to KNX Interface
Daikin VRV and Sky systems to KNX Interface

Daikin to KNX - 1 indoor unit

Anybus CompactCom 40 Module EtherNet/IP
Anybus CompactCom 40 Module EtherNet/IP

Enable communication between industrial devices and EtherNet/IP networks

Anybus Communicator – EtherCAT MainDevice to Common Ethernet
Anybus Communicator – EtherCAT MainDevice to Common Ethernet

A protocol converter that connects EtherCAT devices to Industrial Ethernet networks

Modbus TCP & RTU Master to BACnet/IP & MS/TP Server Application
Modbus TCP & RTU Master to BACnet/IP & MS/TP Server Application

Modbus TCP & RTU to BACnet/IP & MS/TP - 100 points