Top 10 Take-aways from MWC for IoT Systems
Gateway providers roll out LTE-M and NB IoT solutions
AT&T and Verizon have at least 8 US cities with 5G Trials
Nokia CEO estimates 5G will improve worker productivity by 30% over the next 10 years
Cellular provider data costs have dropped dramatically from ~$1 per GB to 0.01 per GB over the last three years
Verizon VP estimates 5G will create 3 million jobs
Cellular connectivity costs have dropped so significantly that individually connected street lights are viable
AT&T Vehicle tracking solutions for trucking justify multiple cellular connections per truck
Nokia CEO expects broad commercial rollout of 5G 2019
UPS focused user accessible on personalized package tracking application in conjunction with UBER
LORA now available on 175 products from 75 companies