HMS Industrial Networks deemed one of the top 10 companies in Europe in its category

15 Feb 2018 at 00:00
Regulatory press release
HMS has reached the final in the 2015/2016 European Business Awards. This means that HMS has been selected as one of the top 10 companies in Europe in the category “Turnover of €26-150m.” As a whole, more than 32,000 companies have competed in the European Business Awards in 11 categories. 110 of them have been selected finalists and received the prestigious “Ruban d’Honneur.”

EBA-Ruban-d'-Honneur-2015-16HMS has reached the final in the 2015/2016 European Business Awards. This means that HMS has been selected as one of the top 10 companies in Europe in the category “Turnover of €26-150m.” As a whole, more than 32,000 companies have competed in the European Business Awards in 11 categories. 110 of them have been selected finalists and received the prestigious “Ruban d’Honneur.”

Competing in the category “The Business of the Year Award with Turnover of €26-150m”, HMS was selected as one of 10 finalists by an esteemed panel of judges made up of European business and political leaders, academics and entrepreneurs.

This means that HMS is among 110 Ruban d’Honneur recipients in all categories, chosen from across Europe. As a final step, HMS will in mid-April undertake a face-to-face interview with the judges, aiming to be named the overall winner in its category at the Awards’ Gala Ceremony in June.

About the European Business Awards
The European Business Awards has been acknowledging European businesses since 2007 and judges include high-ranking business executives and officials from most European countries. Former winners include Mercedes-Benz Financial Services, Nottingham City Transport, and Swedish Samhall AB. 

The European Business Awards engaged with over 32,000 companies from 33 countries this year, a 33% increase from last year, and a record-breaking number for the competition now in its ninth year.

Adrian Tripp, CEO of the European Business Awards said: “To survive in this economic climate is hard enough, so to innovate, prosper and grow in the way this year’s Ruban D’Honneur recipients have is truly remarkable. Europe needs more companies like these. Well done to HMS.”

“We are of course very proud of finding ourselves among the final top-10 European companies in our category in this prestigious competition and receiving the Ruban d’Honneur,” commented Staffan Dahlström, CEO at HMS. “We have had a solid track record of growth and innovation for many years and our financial development has been equally strong. Our business field – industrial communication – is today growing rapidly and our motto “Connecting Devices” has never been more relevant as trends such as the Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 require more and more devices to be connected. We see this award as proof that HMS is heading in the right direction and that our technology for industrial communication has a bright future ahead.”

All winners

Watch the HMS Nomination video: