Web-based SCADA & HMI software for process visualization

i4scada - Scheduler 250 Tags

Item number 2006-000250

i4scada is a web-based SCADA & HMI software for operating and monitoring various machines and plants. It allows you to easily create modern process visualizations in individual design for various machines, systems and production plants.

Features and benefits

  • Low-code SCADA & HMI software

    Create modern process visualizations (HTML5) with individual designs for operating and monitoring equipment. It has interfaces to all common PLC controls and works perfectly with Ewon gateways.

  • Visualize & operate on any browser

    Visualize and operate your machines and systems via tablet or smartphone. Web responsive design ensures optimal display of the visualization pages in all browsers, devices and operating system.

  • Collect data centrally

    Collect data from your Ewon Flexy devices or other proprietary systems centrally and make it available to users everywhere.

  • Easily create process visualizations

    Effortlessly visualize your distributed plants and interconnect them with i4connected without additional effort in a cloud-based process visualization solution.

  • Rely on strong security

    Thanks to powerful rights management, control functions are carried out safely. Equipped with a security certificate (CERT standard), i4scada is suited for security-relevant networks & environments.

  • Make use of extensive libraries

    Extensive libraries with more than 1000 controls for different applications and easy to create project templates minimize the engineering time - up to the fully automatic development of your application.

  • Expandable and scalable to your needs

    i4scada is modularly expandable with add-ons, such as MessengerPro, SchedulerPro, IoTManager and cluster services.