Enable communication between industrial devices and CC-Link IE TSN networks

Anybus CompactCom 40 Brick CC-Link IE TSN

Item number AB6684-C

The Anybus CompactCom 40 brick CC-Link IE TSN is a communication interface that can be embedded into any industrial device or machine to enable communication with CC-Link IE TSN networks. The pluggable design enables integration late in the assembly process, the addition of specific network connectors, and compliance with protection class requirements.

Features and benefits

  • High performance  

    Powered by the award-winning NP40 network processor, the Anybus CompactCom guarantees fast data transfer and low latency, making it ideal for the most demanding industrial applications.

  • Versatile Event-Based Hardware Interfaces

    Enjoy fast and flexible event-based application hardware interfaces with the option to choose from 8/16-bit parallel or high-speed SPI, and I/O via the shift register interface.

  • Quick time to market

    HMS provides comprehensive support throughout the integration journey, ensuring a quick time to market.

  • CLPA pre-certified

    Pre-certified for CLPA network compliance, enabling faster network certification.

  • Life cycle management

    HMS maintains every part of the Anybus CompactCom, including network updates, throughout the product’s lifecycle.

  • Design flexibility

    Add your own connectors and peripherals, offering design flexibility that matches your unique needs.

  • Fully embedded – meet IP requirements

    The brick can be fully embedded within your product, conserving valuable space, and enabling you to provide IP class-certified protection.

  • Robust Security Measures

    Mandatory software signatures prevent unauthorized downloads to the Anybus CompactCom, while robust encryption techniques safeguard against illicit copying.

  • Supports hardware changes

    Possible to swap or install late in the manufacturing process.

Services and training


Training with HMS Academy

Training from HMS Academy reduces the total cost and time of your project and gives improved quality and efficiency of the solution.

HMS offers trainings related to products, technologies and more. This could be in the form of an onsite training, online training or by running one of our E-learning sessions.


Technical services

Technical Services from HMS helps customers with any type of assistance needed in addition to the products bought from HMS. The Technical Services page offers a list of all services we provide.

The services are provided by HMS’ global team of skilled and experienced engineers who work together with you, providing various services.

Typical activities are project planning, setting up evaluation demos, creating and validating product configurations, providing guidance during field trials, and more.

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Contact support

Technical Services from HMS helps customers with any type of assistance needed in addition to the products bought from HMS. The Technical Services page offers a list of all services we provide.

The services are provided by HMS’ global team of skilled and experienced engineers who work together with you, providing various services.

Typical activities are project planning, setting up evaluation demos, creating and validating product configurations, providing guidance during field trials, and more.


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