
KNX TP to Modbus TCP & RTU Server Application
KNX TP to Modbus TCP & RTU Server Application

KNX to Modbus TCP & RTU - 250 points

Anybus Communicator – Serial Master to Modbus TCP slave
Anybus Communicator – Serial Master to Modbus TCP slave

A protocol converter that connects serial devices to Modbus TCP control systems

Anybus Communicator – Serial Master to Common Ethernet ATEX
Anybus Communicator – Serial Master to Common Ethernet ATEX

A protocol converter that connects serial devices to Industrial Ethernet control systems

Functional Safety ECT Master Product Line License
Functional Safety ECT Master Product Line License

Functional Safety over EtherCAT (FSoE) protocol stack

Netbiter EC360 Europe
Netbiter EC360 Europe

Remote communication gateway exchanging data over Cellular 4G or Ethernet to the Netbiter Argos IIoT platform

Anybus CompactCom 40 Module PROFINET IIoT Secure
Anybus CompactCom 40 Module PROFINET IIoT Secure

Enable communication between industrial devices, PROFINET & IIoT protocols

Anybus X-gateway – EtherNet/IP Scanner - Modbus Plus Slave
Anybus X-gateway – EtherNet/IP Scanner - Modbus Plus Slave

A protocol converter that connects EtherNet/IP devices to Modbus Plus PLCs

Anybus X-gateway – EtherNet/IP Adapter- Modbus Plus Slave
Anybus X-gateway – EtherNet/IP Adapter- Modbus Plus Slave

A protocol converter that connects EtherNet/IP and Modbus Plus control systems



Anybus X-gateway – DeviceNet Scanner - DeviceNet Adapter
Anybus X-gateway – DeviceNet Scanner - DeviceNet Adapter

A protocol converter that connects DeviceNet devices to DeviceNet PLCs

Anybus X-gateway – Interbus FO Slave - Interbus FO Slave
Anybus X-gateway – Interbus FO Slave - Interbus FO Slave

A protocol converter that connects Interbus FO and Interbus FO control systems

Anybus X-gateway - CANopen Slave - FIPIO Slave
Anybus X-gateway - CANopen Slave - FIPIO Slave

A protocol converter that connects CANopen and FIPIO control systems

Anybus X-gateway – ControlNet Adapter - FIPIO Slave
Anybus X-gateway – ControlNet Adapter - FIPIO Slave

A protocol converter that connects ControlNet and FIPIO control systems

Anybus X-gateway – FIPIO Slave - Lonworks Slave
Anybus X-gateway – FIPIO Slave - Lonworks Slave

A protocol converter that connects FIPIO and Lonworks control systems

Anybus X-gateway IIoT – EtherNet/IP Adapter - OPC UA-MQTT
Anybus X-gateway IIoT – EtherNet/IP Adapter - OPC UA-MQTT

A protocol converter that connects EtherNet/IP and OPC UA-MQTT control systems

Anybus X-gateway – DeviceNet Scanner - Modbus TCP Server
Anybus X-gateway – DeviceNet Scanner - Modbus TCP Server

A protocol converter that connects DeviceNet devices to Modbus TCP PLCs

Anybus X-gateway - DeviceNet Scanner - POWERLINK Device
Anybus X-gateway - DeviceNet Scanner - POWERLINK Device

A protocol converter that connects DeviceNet devices to POWERLINK PLCs