Product accessories

Wires, cables, mounting kits and other add-ons to HMS products.


Anybus X-gateway – FIPIO Slave - Lonworks Slave
Anybus X-gateway – FIPIO Slave - Lonworks Slave

A protocol converter that connects FIPIO and Lonworks control systems

Anybus X-gateway IIoT – EtherNet/IP Adapter - OPC UA-MQTT
Anybus X-gateway IIoT – EtherNet/IP Adapter - OPC UA-MQTT

A protocol converter that connects EtherNet/IP and OPC UA-MQTT control systems

Anybus X-gateway – DeviceNet Scanner - Modbus TCP Server
Anybus X-gateway – DeviceNet Scanner - Modbus TCP Server

A protocol converter that connects DeviceNet devices to Modbus TCP PLCs

Anybus X-gateway - DeviceNet Scanner - POWERLINK Device
Anybus X-gateway - DeviceNet Scanner - POWERLINK Device

A protocol converter that connects DeviceNet devices to POWERLINK PLCs

Anybus Communicator –  CAN to PROFIBUS DP-V1
Anybus Communicator – CAN to PROFIBUS DP-V1

A protocol converter that connects CAN devices to PROFIBUS control systems.

Anybus X-gateway – EtherCAT Slave - Interbus CU Slave
Anybus X-gateway – EtherCAT Slave - Interbus CU Slave

A protocol converter that connects EtherCAT and Interbus CU control systems

Anybus X-gateway – PROFIBUS Slave – Modbus RTU Slave
Anybus X-gateway – PROFIBUS Slave – Modbus RTU Slave

A protocol converter that connects PROFIBUS and Modbus RTU control systems

Anybus X-gateway – Interbus CU Slave - PROFIBUS Slave
Anybus X-gateway – Interbus CU Slave - PROFIBUS Slave

A protocol converter that connects Interbus CU and PROFIBUS control systems

Anybus X-gateway – Interbus FO Slave - PROFIBUS Slave
Anybus X-gateway – Interbus FO Slave - PROFIBUS Slave

A protocol converter that connects Interbus FO and PROFIBUS control systems

Anybus X-gateway – Interbus FO Slave - Modbus TCP Server
Anybus X-gateway – Interbus FO Slave - Modbus TCP Server

A protocol converter that connects Interbus FO and Modbus TCP control systems

Anybus X-gateway – CC-Link Slave - Modbus RTU Slave
Anybus X-gateway – CC-Link Slave - Modbus RTU Slave

A protocol converter that connects CC-Link and Modbus RTU control systems

Anybus X-gateway – Modbus Plus Slave - Modbus Plus Slave
Anybus X-gateway – Modbus Plus Slave - Modbus Plus Slave

A protocol converter that connects Modbus Plus and Modbus Plus control systems

Anybus X-gateway - Modbus-TCP Slave - POWERLINK Device
Anybus X-gateway - Modbus-TCP Slave - POWERLINK Device

A protocol converter that connects Modbus TCP and POWERLINK control systems

Anybus X-gateway - EtherCAT Slave - POWERLINK Device
Anybus X-gateway - EtherCAT Slave - POWERLINK Device

A protocol converter that connects EtherCAT and POWERLINK control systems


Panasonic ECOi, PACi, ECOg / PAC, VRF systems to Home Automation Application
Panasonic ECOi, PACi, ECOg / PAC, VRF systems to Home Automation Application

Panasonic to Home Automation - Up to 16 Indoor Units

Midea Commercial & VRF systems to BACnet /IP & MS/TP Application
Midea Commercial & VRF systems to BACnet /IP & MS/TP Application

Midea to BACnet/IP & MS/TP - Up to 16 Indoor Units

Midea Commercial & VRF systems to BACnet /IP & MS/TP Application
Midea Commercial & VRF systems to BACnet /IP & MS/TP Application

Midea to BACnet/IP & MS/TP - Up to 64 Indoor Units