Structure of QR Code Data Strings on Anybus and Ixxat Products

13 Feb 2023

This article describes the fields that can be found when scanning QR codes on Anybus and Ixxat products.  This might be useful in case you want to link data to your own device database in your production.



All Anybus and Ixxat products



What is the structure of QR code data strings on Anybus and Ixxat products?



QR code telegrams on Anybus and Ixxat products are comprised of at least the following fields:
  • Header: 0x23, 0x3E (ASCII: #>)
  • Trailer: 0x3C, 0x23 (ASCII: <#)
  • Separator: 0x3B (ASCII: ;)
  • Identifier: 1P, value: HMS_Article_Number
  • Identifier: 2P, value: SW_Version
  • Identifier: S, value: Serial_Number
  • Identifier: 10D, value: Date_Code in YYWW format (year and week)

This combines to the following data string syntax:


Example QR code:


Please note that there may be additional fields present.  Therefore, the order of the fields within the data string is not specified.