How to view exact Wi-Fi signal on an Ewon Cosy or Cosy+

24 Mar 2023

When troubleshooting an issue with a Cosy's connection to the Internet, it may be helpful to see its exact Wi-Fi signal level. This is included in the estat.htm statistics file, which can be downloaded from the device using an Export Block Descriptor. This will also include the reception for all other detected Wi-Fi networks.



  • Ewon Cosy 131 Wi-Fi
  • Ewon Cosy+ Wi-Fi



  • Connection to the Ewon Cosy
  • Login details for the device




Downloading estat.htm

  1. The Export Block Descriptor for downloading estat.htm is $dtES$ftH$fnestat.htm
    1. $dtES - data type estat file
    2. $ftH - file type HTM
    3. $fnestat.htm - file name estat.htm (can be changed)
  2. Download this file by navigating to the following address:
  3. Enter your Cosy's login details to download, then open the file in your browser


Understanding estat.htm

estat.htm contains a large number of informational fields about an Ewon, many of which may be irrelevant to a specific device. Press ctrl-F to open a search, then find the following fields:

  • WIFISSIDLevel- the signal level of the connected network. Ranges from 0 to 7, with 7 being the best
  • WifiSSIDList - shows all detected Wi-Fi networks with their names, levels, and security types


Fig 1. WifiSSIDList and WIFISSIDLevel



More information about export block descriptors can be found in Export Block Descriptor Resources