What is the convention for naming an EtherNet/IP™ EDS file?

03 May 2023

This article describes how an EDS file for EtherNet/IP should be named.


All HMS articles with EtherNet/IP network interface.


What is the convention for naming an EtherNet/IP™ EDS file?

An EtherNet/IP EDS file should be named as follows:

VendorID + DeviceType + ProductCode + MajorRevision + “00.eds”


This is the default device identity information for an Anybus Communicator for EtherNet/IP, p/n ABC3007:


Vendor ID 0x005A
Device Type 0x000C
Product Code 0x005D
Major Revision 0x01

Therefore, the EDS file is named 005A000C005D0100.eds.