How to switch the AC Cloud Control device "on" or "off" via a calendar action?

08 Aug 2023

This article shows how to set a calendar action to switch on/off the AC Cloud device. 

This article is based on the Web UI.



AC Cloud Control

  • INWFIDAI001I000, INWFIDAI001R100
  • INWFIFGL001I000, INWFIFGL001R100
  • INWFILGE001R100
  • INWFIMHI001I000, INWFIMHI001R100
  • INWFIPAN001R100, INWFIPAN001R100
  • INWFITOS001R100
  • INWFIUNI001I000



  • An Intesis AC Cloud device already connected and configured via Web/App UI.
  • Be sure to use the most recent version if you are using the phone AC Cloud Application.
  • Make sure the correct time zone is set in the device settings.


  1. Login to and make sure your device is connected to the Wi-Fi.
  2. Then go to Calendar (1) and add a pattern by pressing "Add pattern" button(2). After editing the pattern name, choosing the appropriate color, and clicking on "SAVE" (3), the Calendar Pattern menu will open showing the "GENERAL", "ACTIONS" and "RULES" columns.
  3. In the ACTIONS column, click the "Add action" button (1) and the Calendar Pattern Action menu will appear. Edit and save the name for the action (2), then use the "Time" parameter to set when the action should be executed (3).
  4. Use the DEVICES column, which lists zones and the device(s) inside that zone, to customize your action. Customizing "Through a device" is highlighted here. Click the device you want to customize (1). On the right side of the window, select the "general" function with the corresponding value (2).

Switch "on"

Switch "off"


NB: There are two ways to customize an action (through a device and through a zone). 

For more details about, please use the user manual on ACTION chapter. 

Don't forget that requested functions would need to be "enabled" on the right side of the window in the calendar. 

This is how it should look:

  • Function is activated, unit is switched on (white background, "on" activated, X at the upper right edge).
  • Function is activated, unit is switched off (white background, "off" activated, X at the upper right edge).
  • Function is deactivated, unit isn't switched (gray background, no X at the upper right edge).

5. Once you have done this, click "Return to calendar pattern" on the top left side of the window. 

6. In the last column, called RULES, click the "Add rule" button (1) to set the rule, which is a predefined day or group of days when a pattern will run. In the pop-up window, select the timing and the date or dates (2) and "SAVE" (3).

7. Once done, click "Return to calendar" on the top left side of the window.


NB: There are three ways to configure the days when the pattern will be executed:

1.  1-day: Performs the defined actions only once on the selected day.

To create a 1-day rule:

a.  Tap the 1-day button.

b.  On the Start date parameter, select the day you want the action to be executed.

c.  Tap on Save.

2.  Interval: Defines the starting and ending dates when the defined actions will be executed.

To create an Interval rule:

a.  Tap the Interval button.

b.  Select the day when the action will start.

c.  Select the day when the action will end.

d.  Tap on Save.

3.  No end: The defined actions will be executed on the selected weekdays.

To create a No end rule:

a.  Tap the No end button.

b.  On the Start date parameter, select the day you want the action to start.

c.  Tap Save.



To know more about how to use our Intesis MAPS, check our AC Cloud Control eLearning.

This article is also useful --> Configured calendar actions are not displayed on the App phone or don't work as expected.