What is the maximum length of a stub line in my CAN network?

27 Jul 2022


This article describes what the maximum length of a stub line in the CAN network is. 



CAN interface board, CANbridge, CAN-Repeater



What is the maximum length of a stub line in my CAN network? 


The maximum length of a stub line depends on the used CAN bit rate. Lower bit rates allow to work with longer stub lines.

CAN baud rate
Max. stub
line length 
stub line length 
Max. CAN
bus length
 125  20  100  620
 250  10  50  280
 500  5  25  110
 1000  2  10   40


Using the CAN-Repeaters the maximum CAN bus length is the line length between the two devices with the largest distance between each other. The biggest problem of the longer stubs are reflections which can distort or destroy CAN messages.