In this article, "Go Offline" and "Wake Up" functionality of Ecatcher will be described.
- Ewon Cosy 3G/4G.
- Ewon Flexy with external Modem Card.
To be able to use Go Offline and Wake up functions, It is necessary to have modem connection.
1.What is "Wake up" and "Go Offline"?
Ewon 3G/4G devices have a functionality of “Wake-up” which means, the eWons can be triggered by SMS and they can go online with this SMS. With this functionality the user can reduce the cost of the cellular connection.
You can find an eAcademy video by eWon about the configuration: Triggered 3G/4G connection (wake-up / put asleep)
The SMS can be either send by Talk2M (it does cost approximately .30Eur/text.) or by simply sending an SMS to the SIM card inserted to the eWon with one of the two following syntaxes:
(Note: The Talk2m Pro Account has 50 SMS messages per Month without additional charge)
- Talk2M_Connect
- Talk2MConnect
If your eWON uses a triggered Internet connection (a non permanent Mobile connection), then you should disconnect the eWON from the Talk2M server once your intervention terminated.
To send the eWON offline, select it inside the eWON list and right click the selected line.
2.What if "Go Offline" would not work?
If the “Go Offline” button is not working, make sure that eWon has been configured as a Triggered connection and not a permanent connection in the Internet Wizard:
(this option is only available if the eWon has a Mobile WAN connection Option chosen)
If it is not possible to run the Wizard one can check this configuration with the parameter “WANPermCnx” from the Web interface of eWon,
Setup--> System-->Storage-->Tabular Edition--> Edit COM cfg
If the “WANPermCnx” is 1, it means that eWon is configured as permanent connection and the connection cannot be interrupted by the “Go offline” function. It is possible to change this value to “0” and click to “Save”. After that, the Go Offline button from the eCatcher will be functional.