How to disable the Encapsulation Inactivity Timeout (object class 0xf5, instance 1, attribute 13).
Ethernet/IP devices
Ethernet/IP X-gateway
Ethernet/IP CompactCom's
Network access to Ethernet/IP device
Molex Ethernet/IP tool, EIPscan or similar software
Disable Encapsulation Inactivity Timeout
- You will need an EtherNet/IP tool such as EIPscan or similar software that can make at SET attribute request. You can also setup an explicit message on you PLC to make the same SET attribute request.
- Connect to the device with your PC configured to be in the same subnet.
- Configure the message
- Set the devices IP in the station field
- Select service 16 Set Attribute Single
- Configure the following path.
- Class 0xF5
- Instance 1
- Attribute 13
- Data 00
- Click Send Request and verify the status returns Ok