BACnet MS/TP Advanced Configuration

27 Sep 2022

PLEASE NOTE: HMS Networks doesn't own YABE software and doesn't support it, this document is intended as a guide.


This article offers an option on how to configure advanced settings of a BACnet MS/TP device.

BACnet MS/TP devices that cannot be configured with MAPS, the devices can be configured with the BACnet explorer program, YABE



  • Intesis AC Interfaces BACnet MS/TP (IN485DAI001I000, IN485DAI001R000, INBACFGL001I100, IN485HIT001R000, IN485UNI001I100, INBACMID001I100, IN485MIT001I000, INBACMHI001R100, INBACPAN001R100, INBACPAN001I100, INBACSAM001R100, INBACTOS001R100).


Intesis BACnet MS/TP Device

Windows PC with YABE installed

USB-to-Serial Adapter for PC


Installing YABE

YABE can be downloaded from A USB-to-Serial converter should be connected to the BACnet MS/TP port on the Intesis Device. In YABE, clicking the + icon will add a new device. This will open a window where the correct COM port and serial settings can be set. Then YABE will scan to find the Intesis Device. 


Using YABE

YABE is a BACnet explorer, but can also be used to configure BACnet settings, like 'Max Masters':


Another example is changing the BACnet Device Instance Address:



Further information can be found in 


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