Publish Tags through the Ewon OPCUA Server

30 Dec 2022
The goal of the OPCUA server running on Ewon Flexy is to serve the list of Ewon Tags from one or more Tag groups to an OPCUA compliant client.
This document describes how to use and configure the OPC UA server functionality on the Ewon Flexy.



Ewon : Flexy




Enabling the Flexy OPCUA Server

Let's see how to configure the Ewon Flexy OPCUA Server

To enable the functionality, go to the menu:

Setup > System > Main > Net services > OPCUA


Multiple parameters are listed:
• Check the option “Enable OPCUA server” to enable the OPCUA server.
• Select the groups of Tags to publish. Multiple choices are allowed.
These groups refer to the Instant Value property, which is located in the Tag Visibility from the Tag Setup panel.
• Choose the Login Type. Anonymous, User/Password or Certificate
• Choose the port (default is 4840)
The server listens on all network interfaces (LAN, WAN and VPN).

Click on “Update” to validate the parameters.

The service will be restarted if needed and new parameters will be applied. It is not necessary to restart any service or reboot the Ewon Flexy after changing any OPCUA parameter.

Configuring the Tags to publish through the OPCUA server

By creating/modifying the Ewon Tags as usual, you will be able to configure if the Tag is accessible through OPCUA by selecting a Tag Group.  Choose an Instant Value Group that matches the selected group of the OPCUA Server configuration.


Configuring an OPCUA client

Here we show the configuration for UaExpert from Unified Automation
  1. Launch UaExpert
  2. Click on Server > Add Server
  3. Click on Advanced
  4. Fill in the fields according to your configuration:
  5. The endpoint URL should be in the form “opc.tcp://EWON_IP_ADDRESS:PORT”


  6. Choose the server in the Project > Servers list

    mceclip3.pngThe published Tags are under Root > Objects > EwonTags


    Drag and drop the Tags to monitor from the Tags list to the Data Access View panel.
    The values are refreshed automatically


    The list in Root > Objects > EwonTags is automatically updated when a Tag is added or removed in the groups of published Tags in the Ewon configuration.
    The value (or type) of a published Tag is automatically updated in the Data Access View when it changes.





  • Tested clients
    The OPCUA server has been tested with 3 concurrent connections.

  • Authentication
    3 modes of authentication are supported:
    • Anonymous: Everyone with access to any network interface of the Flexy will be able to see and manipulate the Tags.
    • Username + password: This mode accepts the users defined on the Ewon Flexy. Only users that have the permission “FORCE OUTPUT” will be able to see and manipulate the Tags
    • Certificate: The use of a certificate will be needed to authenticate to the Ewon.