Ewon's industrial cloud, Talk2m, securely connects you to your industrial machines from anywhere. It serves as a secure bridge to your equipment. Ecatcher is the VPN client for Talk2m, and M2web its web-based portal for accessing machines' KPIs and alarms.
Ewon's remote connectivity solution is made possible by a seamless integration between its gateways (Cosy, Flexy) and Talk2m.
As a result, all Ewon devices are provided with industrial cloud connectivity, free of charge.
As your business grows and management needs evolve, we recommend upgrading to Talk2m light or Talk2m pro.
Explore our range of tailored Talk2m plans designed to meet diverse connectivity needs!
| Most popular |
Number of gateways | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited |
Number of users | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited |
Concurrent VPN connection(s) | 1 | 2 | 5 |
Additional VPN connection (+4 GB per additional connection) | X | X | ✔ |
Included monthly VPN traffic | Max 3 GB | Max 5 GB | 20 GB |
Additional VPN traffic | X | X | ✔ |
Concurrent mobile connections (M2web and Ecatcher Mobile) | 5 | 5 | Unlimited |
Included SMS (Wake-up, alarm) | X | 50 SMS | 50 SMS |
Included monthly datamailbox upload | Max 5 million | Max 7 million | 10 million |
Additional datamailbox upload | X | X | ✔ |
Talk2m visualization | X | X | ✔ |
Advanced user rights management | X | X | ✔ |
Service Level Agreement (SLA) | X | ✔ | ✔ |
Remote firmware management | X | X | ✔* |
*Only available with Ewon devices in the “Cosy+” range.