This 2019 Intesis will present its news products through 4 window releases. The first one gets launched this January introducing seven new products and one upgrade.
This 2019 Intesis will present its news products through 4 window releases. The first one gets launched this January introducing seven new products and one upgrade.
Following with our company goal, we want to offer interconnection of devices within buildings as well as connection of buildings to the Internet. On that point we contribute with easy-to-use and reliable gateway solutions for system integration and control. That's the reason why we release some specific products for Air Conditioning projects and on the other hand to integrate multi-protocol systems.
Air Conditioning projects:
From today you will find new gateways for Fujitsu and Mitsubishi Electric in our catalogue.
Multi-protocol projects:
Our catalogue gets completed with new gateways solutions for, BACnet as a router, and LonWorks to BACnet gateways.
Feel free to check our new products and if you need more information, please, do not hesitate to contact us and our technical staff will help you to find the fittest solution for your projects.