Release: eCatcher 6.6.4 & eCatcher Mobile app

We have released a new version for both the eCatcher desktop software (v6.6.4) and the eCatcher Mobile app (Android v.1.1.5 / iOS v.1.1.3).

The eCatcher Desktop v6.6.4 is deprecated, see Release: eCatcher 6.7.8

We have released a new version for both the eCatcher desktop software and the eCatcher Mobile app.

eCatcher Desktop 6.6.4

We switched the prerelease version 6.6.3PR into an official version: eCatcher 6.6.4!

As a reminder, the 6.6.3PR embedded the following improvements:

Traffic & Data consumption
The "Credit & Contract" section of the account tab now offers a clean view of the account's current financial status.

Implementation of API Token
Until now, the Talk2M API were relying on Talk2M credentials in the API requests to authenticate. From now on, the API authentication will also be relying on token.

You can read the the news we published when we released that prerelease version.

This new 6.6.4 official version comes with some fixes and improvements in comparison to 6.6.3PR:

There could be some unexpected crashes of the eCatcher VPN service in 6.6.3PR.

The ecatcher.exe file is now protected with ASLR and DEP.

There is no longer an error message when a non-admin user opens the Account tab.

If you wish to see the complete list of modifications for all versions, please refer to the eCatcher release note.

eCatcher Mobile App

As part of our Talk2M continuous improvement strategy, a maintenance operation is planned starting October 15th 2020.

Therefore, it is required to upgrade to the latest version of eCatcher Mobile App (Android v.1.1.5 / iOS v.1.1.3) to continue to enjoy the remote connection to Ewon devices via our mobile app.

This message is also displayed on the Talk2M Status page.

M2web and eCatcher desktop services are not impacted by this Talk2M maintenance.