07 Mar 2024 at 00:00 GMT+1
By Andreas Stillborg
Product News

Key features of the Anybus CompactCom communication interface


Designed for industrial automation and control systems, the CompactCom offers a wide range of features that make it the standout choice for connecting devices to industrial networks. With its extensive protocol support, high performance, excellent usability, and seamless integration with IT systems, this versatile communication interface excels in meeting the diverse needs of industrial applications.


Support for IT functions allows for enhanced access and control 

The Anybus CompactCom offers a range of IT functions that optimize operations, enhance productivity, and improve overall efficiency in industrial automation processes.

Integrated web server

Enables service staff to monitor the status of the device from anywhere on the network.

E-mail notifications

Configure automatic email alerts for various events, such as service reminders or production milestones.

File Transfers

Allow your service staff or customers to update the CompactCom or the host device using the built-in file transfer functionality.


Enable your product to communicate with IT systems and industrial IoT applications using standard communication protocols such as OPC UA and MQTT. Allow your service staff or customers to update the CompactCom or the host device using the built-in file transfer functionality.


Real-time communication for time-critical applications 

The Anybus CompactCom provides high performance data exchange that can handle even the most demanding synchronized motion applications.

  • Handles large amounts of process data – up to 1500 bytes in each direction

  • Low throughput latency, less than 15µs for high performance networks

  • Possibility to send a complete Ethernet frame via the socket interface (up to 1500 bytes).

  • Clock-synchronous operation

  • Event-based interface method enables easy to access input and output data at any time.

  • Extended Host interface coverage
    • 8/16-bit parallel
    • High speed SPI
    • I/O (shift register interface)


Switch networks without changing hardware

The "Common Ethernet" variant of CompactCom comes without predefined network support. Instead, you or your customer can simply download and install firmware with support for PROFINET, EtherCAT, Modbus-TCP, POWERLINK, or EtherNet/IP. This provides you with greater flexibility as you don't need to know the required network before implementation, or you can adapt to any changes in the industrial network without changing the hardware.

Securely connect to IoT software with OPC UA or MQTT 

The Anybus CompactCom IIoT Secure enables your industrial devices to communicate using OPC UA and MQTT. It exchanges industrial Ethernet protocol data (for example, PROFINET or EtherNet/IP) with the controller as usual but also uses the OPC UA or MQTT protocols to send data to IT systems. Companies can then analyze the data without needing to develop custom software. 

Learn more about OPC UA and MQTT

Functional safety with Anybus CompactCom

There are several ways to use Anybus CompactCom to connect to safety networks such as PROFIsafe, CIP Safety and FSoE. Choose the way that suits you best depending on your safety knowledge and resources.

Ixxat Safe T100

A ready-made module for quick and easy implementation of safe IOs. The fastest way to implement safety.

  • Supports PROFIsafe and CIP Safety.
  • Designed for use together with Anybus CompactCom 40-series via the black channel.
  • TÜV certified. 

Ixxat protocol stacks

HMS has developed protocol stacks for decades and can get your safety project off to a flying start.

With Ixxat stacks as the foundation, you will cut down on development time and still get a safety solution for your specific needs. You can also leverage on HMS expertise and get help with safety design and customization.

Explore Ixxat Safe T100 and protocol stacks


Do it yourself

Have in-house expertise in functional safety? Then you might want to develop your own solution using the Anybus Safety Interface (Black Channel).

CompactCom handles the network communication while the safety signals pass transparently through the black channel to your application.

Contact HMS to learn more



Harness the power of high-end processors with a Transparent Ethernet channel! 

Anybus offers a range of CompactComs with a transparent Ethernet channel, allowing users to tap into the potential of their high-end processors for developing personalized IT functions. 

With the Transparent Ethernet channel, industrial Ethernet protocol data is processed by the CompactCom, while non-industrial Ethernet traffic passes transparently to the processor. This ensures the efficient handling of critical industrial data and enables direct processing of non-industrial Ethernet traffic, such as HTTP or File Transfer Protocol packets.

The transparent Ethernet channel allows users to create custom IT functions like web servers or email services, maximizing the capabilities of their processors. It also eliminates the need for additional Ethernet ports, as all communication goes through the Anybus CompactCom.


Learn more or find your communication interface now: 

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