How to poll Modbus TCP tags published by Ewon Flexy

06 Jun 2023
The Ewon Flexy can publish its tag values as Modbus TCP registers. These tags are published in the analog input register range, so a register of 500 in the tag settings will be polled as 30500 by the client. Additionally, the Flexy defaults to a unit address of 100.



  • Ewon Flexy line



  • Ewon Flexy with one or more tags set up to publish as Modbus TCP registers



Poll Modbus TCP Tag

  1. Use the Ewon's LAN IP address, Modbus TCP unit address/slave ID, and the tag's register
    • Remember to add 30000 to offset the register since it's in the analog input register range
    • The Ewon's unit address defaults to 100 and can be found in Tags -> IO Servers -> Modbus


Fig 3. Polling a tag value on the Ewon published in a Modbus TCP register using Simply Modbus TCP Client