This Article will outline the two step process of the Internet Wizard. This article will explain what is occurring, and how to best use the information for Troubleshooting.
Cosy 131
Flexy 20x
What occurs during the Internet Wizard Step?
The Internet Wizard is a two-step process comprising of the WAN Connection, and Internet Test. While both are not needed to pass the Internet Wizard, the WAN connection must pass for an successful completion of the Wizard. For full Internet connectivity, both steps will need to pass.
The WAN Connection, and Internet Connection process explained.
WAN Connection:
The WAN connection test is the process for the WAN interface to acquire a IP. This can be done by either a DHCP request to the network server, or statically assigned. For the WAN connection to pass, the IP that is assigned must not be in the IP range of the LAN side of the unit. The WAN connection step will fail regardless of assignment type, if the IP's overlap.
If the WAN test fails due to DHCP, there could be an issue with the DHCP request being seen by the server, or the IP not being read by the Ewon unit. This could be caused by hardware ( Faulty Ethernet Cables, bad Switches), networking (VLAN, Network conflicts). The customer can utilize a networking monitoring tools to verify the DHCP request, and check the Server for the IP assignment. If the Static IP assignment fails, it is most like due to an overlap with the LAN IP.
Internet Connection:
The Internet connection test is when the unit attempts to communicate with the out side Internet. This is done by the device sending pings to the Talk2m servers, and public domains such as Google. Once the ping is returned to the unit, then the Internet Connection test passes. Often times when this step fails, it is due to a firewall blocking the communication. Networking architecture can cause the Internet connection test to fail as well. Utilizing a network monitor software can narrow down where the ping request is lost.
KB-0112-00 - Test the Internet connection during Wizard